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Bullet Heaven


Updated: Mar 12, 2021

Bullet heaven is a game I created as part of an assessment for my first year at AIE. Bullet heaven was the first real game I made in C++ using AIE's bootstrap framework.

It's a bullet hell game in which the player controls a ship that can acquire temporary power-ups that modify the way the player shoots and these power-ups can be stacked on top of each other. I.E. The player can get a laser gun upgrade and then a double shot upgrade and will start shooting double lasers temporarily.

This mechanic of stacking power-ups was heavily inspired by one of my favourite games of all time The Binding of Isaac, in which these stacking power-ups is a core mechanic with several hundreds of items.

One of the issues which I had to figure out was how I would actually handle the stacking power-ups and I went about this by storing using an integer to handle the current effects the player had. If the player already had a preexisting effect, it would give them the new combined effect.

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